When you exercise, you have two choices; work out long or work out hard. The harder you're able to go, the shorter your workout can be in order to accomplish the same goal (or greater than your goal in most cases).
I want you to think about runners for a minute. In your head, I want you to compare a long distance runner and a sprinter. Both work very hard. The long distance runner goes at a steady pace for a long period of time. The sprinter however; goes hard, short, and the training is over. This sprinter workout is what we do here at Quick Fit Indiana.
We do High Intensity Training or High Intensity Interval Training very well. We use top of the line equipment. We attempt to use exercises that don't leave you feeling awkward. We follow evidence based scientific workout routines that are designed with a purpose. One class might be 20 seconds of all out effort followed by 40 seconds of low intensity or it may be 1 minute of all out effort followed by a 2 minute rest. We design our cardio programs each week to maximize fat loss, heart health and cardiovascular/muscle endurance.